Monday, June 25, 2012

Causes of deviant behavior in schools

Cases of deviant behaviors among school children have been on the increase over the past years. Researchers attribute these Causes of deviant behavior in schools in schools to student backgrounds; poverty; effects of the mass media; lack of vocational preparations; peer pressure/influence.

To begin with, the mass media has a negative effect on school children, more specifically the violent content that are aired in the television or in cinemas. It is believed that children believe what they see in the media more than what happens in the real life. School children who watch too many fights in the television or read pornographic materials on the internet begin to develop certain characteristics that affect the people around them negatively.

Research also shows that students who come from abusive parents also display characteristics of abusive persons. Such children for instance end up beating their fellow playmates without feeling any kind of remorse. On the other hand, students brought up by uncaring parents usually portray delinquent behaviors. They resort to criminal activities to achieve what they could not get from their parents. Such students take part in criminal activities such as stealing, rioting/rebellion among others. The society also models the behavior of people.

The attitudes that other people have concerning their fellow human race lead to rebellion from the marginalized group. Such people who are neglected by the society, and whose needs are not looked into by the people in authority end up engaging in activities or behavior that contradicts the requirements of the society.

The school learning environment is a place where children go to get educations and to learn all sorts of good mannerism. It however turns out that children get negatively affected by their fellow children in school. Some develop deviant behaviors after watching their peer behaviors.

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